Four Models for Conducting the Introductory Business Course

  • Darin Gerdes
  • Matthew Fuss
  • Ross O'Brien
  • Maxwell Rollins
  • Rich Rudebock


The introduction to business course provides a critical opportunity to mold students’ perceptions about business. In this paper, the authors discuss four different approaches to conducting introductory business courses. These include a survey of the discipline, a philosophical approach, a discipline-specific approach, and an entrepreneurial venture approach. Regardless of format, these approaches focus on the integration of theological constructs and recognize the value of molding students from the start of their academic journey.

How to Cite
GerdesD., FussM., O’BrienR., RollinsM., & RudebockR. (2021). Four Models for Conducting the Introductory Business Course. Christian Business Academy Review, 16(1).
Curriculum Development